
March 21st to April 4th 2001
Austrian Cultural Institute, 28 Rutland Gate, London SW7 1PQ
In 2001 the INS were invited to take up residence for two weeks in the Office of Anti-Matter at the Austrian Cultural Institute in London.
During the residency, the INS honoured the first half of its First Manifesto commitment to explore both the arts and the sciences for processes and landscapes governed by the sign of death by consulting writers, philosophers, artists and performers whose work resonated with our concerns. At appointed times these experts presented themselves at the Office, where they were interviewed by the General Secretary. The conversations were taped and the recordings transcribed for later publication in INS research documents. The experts also, where appropriate, brought images of their work which they presented by means of a projector in the Office and which were also archived for eventual publication.
In addition, on certain evenings there were screenings of films selected by the INS committee due to their particular importance to the necronautical project. While both these and the consultancy sessions were open to the public, neither were embarked on for the purposes of 'entertainment' - rather, they were practical steps aimed at moving INS members closer to our ultimate goal: the construction of a craft - a vehicle or a set of practises - that will convey us into death in such a way that we may, if not live, then at least persist.
All transcripts and images can be viewed by clicking here.
INS General Secretary Tom McCarthy interviews INS Obituary Reviewer Melissa McCarthy.
INS General Secretary Tom McCarthy interviews philosopher Simon Critchley.